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EXProt a database for proteins with an experimentally verified function
Björn M. Ursing and Frank H.J. van Enckevort |
NOTE: EXProt Release 2.01 is the most recent non-redundant version.
EXProt (database for EXPerimentally verified Protein functions) is a new
non-redundant database containing protein sequences for which the function
has been experimentally verified. EXProt, Release 2.01 is a selection of
6491 entries which are described to have an experimentally verified function,
from Pseudomonas Community Annotation Project
(1; PseudoCAP), from E. coli genome
and proteome database (2; GenProtEC)
and from division Prokaryotes of the
EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database (3), Release 69.
entries in EXProt all have a unique ID number and provide information about
organism, protein sequence, functional annotation, link to entry in original
database, and if known, gene name and link to references in PubMed.
The EXProt database can be searched with BLAST
or FASTA with amino acid
or nucleotide sequence as query sequence. Note that only the sequence goes into
the field. EXProt database is also searchable in
In a near future entries from the genome project of
Lactobacillus plantarum by Wageningen Centre for Food Sciences
(WCFS) will be added to EXProt.
EXProt is published in
In Silico Biol. 2, 0001.
EXProt is most recently published in
Nucleic Acids Research, 2002, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 50-51.
Reprint (PDF) Version of this Article
This publication can be used as reference to EXProt database.
The EXProt data file can be downloaded from our ftp-site
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Björn M. Ursing, Frank H.J. van Enckevort, 8 Jan 2002